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Speech, language and communication

This Pathway helps children and young people in Devon (excluding Plymouth) with difficulties regarding their speech, language and communication related to:

CFHD specialists you might receive care from in this Pathway:

Advice line:  If you would like to talk to a Speech & Language Therapist to discuss your child / a child you work with please call our advice line 0333 321 9448 which is open Tuesday and Thursday between 2pm – 4.30pm, and aims to provide general support and advice.

Speech development series:

These videos are for anyone looking to support children and their early speech sound development.

It will work on listening skills and phonological awareness (awareness of different sounds).

You may have been directed to these videos by a speech and language therepist.

Developing these skills is an important first step before working directly on specific sounds.

We therefore recommend you complete this series of videos as a first step before considering a referral to speech and language therapy.

Language Development series:

These videos are for anyone looking to support children with their early language development. Regardless of age, this series if for children who are just starting to use words or are mainly using single words to communicate. They must be able to share joint attention to access this series.

It will work on use and understanding of one to two keys words as well as supporting attention and listening skills.

You may have been directed to these videos by a speech and language therapist.

We recommend you complete this series of videos as a first step before considering a referral to speech and language therapy.

Speech, language and communication: Training:

Early communication how to videos:

Speech, language and communication drop in sessions:

Read our Speech, language and communication frequently asked questions (FAQs):

More Devon resources: