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Teaching children to use technology

Technology is becoming a larger and larger part of our society. IT can support children/young
people to engage in and take more responsibility in the learning process. It can also be used as an
alternative or addition to handwriting which many children find particularly challenging.

Technology can also play an important role in schools to support a young person’s specific accessing needs. It can be used effectively to support pupils with a wide range of conditions which limit their ability to read and write. Often a difficulty with writing or accessing the curriculum will be identified by the class teacher/assistant or parents, and they may be dealt with effectively within the school and home, without the need to seek input from other professionals. However, if you feel you child needs specialist help talk to the school about whether an assessment from an advisory teacher is warranted.

Touch Typing Programmes

There are a number of great free websites to help your child learn how to type in a fun way!


Hardware is the collection of physical parts of the computer, including the computer itself,
monitor/screen, and various accessing methods e.g. different keyboards, the mouse and switches.
There are many varieties of keyboards, mice and switches that could help improve access to
computers, smart devices, toys, games, communication devices and environmental controls,
depending on individual need.


There is a wide range of software packages available to improve access to computers and smart
devices, e.g. communication software, education software, games programmes, website access and Apps, with a variety of operating methods.

young person standing with a backpack over one shoulder
young person standing with a backpack over one shoulder