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Modelling language for early communication

Speech and Language Therapy

Who we are:

We are a team of Speech & Language Therapistsall registered with the Health and Care Professions Council, and Speech & Language Therapy Assistants.  We are based all over Devon and Torbay.  Our team includes Specialist and Highly Specialist Therapists who each have a particular specialist skill area or level of experience.

What we do:

We provide a range of services for children from birth to 18 years. These include: support for early communication skills, training to settings/schools, assessments and therapeutic interventions for children and young people having difficulties with language, speech sounds, fluency, voice and dysphagia (swallowing difficulties).

Advice line: If you would like to talk to a Speech & Language Therapist to discuss your child / a child you work with please call our advice line 0333 321 9448 which is open Tuesday and Thursday between 2pm – 4.30pm, and aims to provide general support and advice.

Drop-in sessions for children under 3 years:  If you would like to drop-in and have a virtual session with a Speech & Language Therapist to discuss your child / a child you work with who is under 3 years old then please click here to see the dates and times.

If you experience an issue with the above link and would like to have further information, please call 0330 0245 321 or email