It's ok to talk about suicide
If you or your child’s are having thoughts of suicide or feeling suicidal, you can talk to a mental health professional by calling NHS 111.
For further support, please take a look at our resources below.
Need urgent help? – Children and Family Health Devon
If you or your child’s current actions are endangering self or others such as an overdose, suicide attempt or violence and aggression call 999 or go to your local A&E.
If you or your child is in a mental health crisis and need to talk to a mental health professional call 111.
The following organisations are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:
- Childline
- Samaritans
- Shout textline: for help text SHOUT to 85258
- NHS 111: Select mental health option
Four of CFHD’s participation young advisors have been involved in creating the ‘Letter for Tomorrow’. The letter is a powerful and moving piece of work that is intended to give hope and encouragement to other young people that are facing difficult times and experiencing suicidal thoughts. Astro, Hollie and Malcolm have personal experience of suicide and wrote and recorded an audio version of the letter. Scarlett produced the artwork for the letter.
Letter for tomorrow – Children and Family Health Devon
How to support someone who may be feeling suicidal
We are a group of people with personal or working experience of those who have either had suicidal thoughts or feelings or have lost someone to suicide.
We want to share our knowledge and experience, so you are not alone when you are worried about someone who you think may be feeling suicidal.
Suicidal thoughts are common but not permanent and can go away. Anyone can have suicidal thoughts, at any time in their life, whatever their background or situation.
Suicide has many causes that are unique to each person and we must always take them seriously.
Short leaflet to provide guidance on what you could say or do if you are worried that someone may be thinking about suicide.
PAPYRUS is the national charity dedicated to the prevention of young suicide.
PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide is the UK charity dedicated to the prevention of suicide and the promotion of positive mental health and emotional wellbeing in young people.
Suicide is the biggest killer of people aged 35 and under in the UK. We believe that many suicides are preventable.
PAPYRUS was founded in 1997 by a group of bereaved parents, who had each lost children to suicide. Our founding parents shared core beliefs that suicide is preventable, and that those of us with lived experience of suicide have a valuable and unique contribution to make to the wider conversation around suicide.
Since then, PAPYRUS has grown into a UK-wide charity with offices in North West England, South West England, West Midlands, London, Northern Ireland, North Wales, South Wales, and Scotland.
It is our mission to reach those impacted by suicide and provide support that is timely, appropriate and carried out by professionals.
We know that everyone experiences grief in a unique way and we believe that every person deserves bespoke help following a suicide.
Pete’s Dragons | Making sure those impacted by suicide are supported.