Developing Good Sleep Hygiene
- Keep a regular bedtime for your child and wake your child at a regular hour each morning, so that the body clock is strengthened.
- Do not let your child have prolonged naps in the late afternoon. If your child still needs to sleep, schedule the nap for early afternoon.
- Avoid stimulating activity in the hour before bedtime, including TV, tablets and consoles.
- Avoid drinks of cola, chocolate, tea and coffee i.e. caffeine and additives before bedtime. Instead have a warm milk drink.
- Make sure that your child does not go to bed hungry, but try not to eat too close to bed time.
- Make sure that your child’s room is quiet and dark.
- Keep room temperature to a comfortable level. High temperatures disturb sleep.
- Keep room clear of distractions and electronic equipment.
- Environmental noise in the rest of the home should be kept to a minimum.
- When age appropriate, help your child to learn to fall asleep alone in their bed, without your presence.