Our research
CFHD is a research active organisation. There are a range of research studies that our children and families may be invited to participate in.
Here are some of the research projects we have been involved in:

The Ability and quality of life for Children with CErebral Palsy Trial explored a novel interactive training device to improve walking and balance for children with cerebral palsy using the Happy Rehab device. This study is with University of Plymouth and funded by the National Institute of Health and care Research.

The ADAPT study aimed to understand what services providers need in order to use National Institute of Clinical Effectiveness (NICE) recommended mental health interventions with care-experienced young people, focusing on PTSD and trauma-focused cognitive behaviour therapies.

The Adolescents and carers using mindfulness Therapy To END depression project involves six NHS sites across England, including Devon Partnership NHS Trust. The study explores Mindfulness for Adolescents and Carers (MAC). MAC is a teenager friendly version of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive-Therapy, which also supports carers to manage their own distress and to help their teenagers recover and stay well.

The Children’s Palliative Care Outcome Scale study is led by Kings College London. They invited CFHD to contribute to the C-POS Questionnaire Study. Within the UK, there are estimated to be over 86,000 children and families living with a life limiting condition (LLC) or life-threatening condition (LTC), many of whom would benefit from palliative care services due to the complexity of their condition.

This study, run by Exeter University, is exploring self-harm in young people who have experienced sexual abuse. The findings will highlight how relief from self harm is achieved and when relief behaviours are chosen to ultimately develop more effective intervention strategies.

This study assesses how knee extensor strength and selective motor control (the ability to move joints independently of one another) impact on crouch gait in children with bilateral cerebral palsy during an everyday walking circuit. This study is funded by the Torbay Medical Research Fund and carried out with the University of Plymouth.

The aim of this study is to assess if an exercise programme to strengthen the muscles of young people with cerebral palsy is better than their usual physiotherapy treatment.

The aim of this study is to assess if an exercise programme to stretch the muscles of children with cerebral palsy is better than their usual NHS physiotherapy treatment. It will use an innovative online platform to support children to do their exercises.

This project aims to explore the diverse experiences of young people with eating disorders and how they recover from them. The stories that young people share will help to develop more personalised and effective interventions for young people with eating disorders in the future. This research is in partnership with King’s College London, University of Edinburgh and South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust.

Wellbeing While Waiting
We have been working with the research team from University College London on this study which seeks to evaluate a new social prescribing pathway for children and young people on CAMHS waiting lists for treatment.