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We are CFHD: Single Point of Access (SPA)

Our Single Point of Access (SPA) team provides a first point of contact for people wishing to access children’s services across Devon and Torbay.

We caught up with Inira, Cora and Josh to find out more about what they do within CFHD’s Single Point of Access team and why they enjoy it:

What do you like about your role?

Inira: I like working as part of a team to start the process for helping young people that need it.

Cora: My job is quite diverse day to day but we have such a great team around us it doesn’t feel like work.

Josh: What I enjoy about this role is the ability to help other people in vulnerable situations. I also enjoy the diversity and challenges which occur on a daily basis.

What advice would you give someone wanting to work in SPA?

Inira: I would say, do it! There is lots of room for progression. For example I started as a Band two administrator, then a Band three senior administrator and now as a Business support team lead. I think we work really closely as a team and it’s a really nice team to work within. It’s also really rewarding!

Cora: I started as an apprentice in SPA which helped a lot as it was a big career change. This really helped to bring back my confidence.

Josh: Go for it! Put your best foot forward. If you try your best you will work for the job but the job will work for you. If you are willing to learn and develop and try your hardest, the job is one of the most rewarding experiences you’ll have.

What is a typical day like in SPA?

Inira: A typical day varies for us in SPA. One day I might be on duty which means answering emails that come in, ensuring we are able to answer questions from team members and also completing other tasks such as audits.

On other days I could be doing some team lead duties such as carrying out supervisions and career conversations and ensuring I am carrying out tasks that need to be completed

Cora: As a Band 2 administrator we usually look at referrals which helps all other teams within CFHD. We can also deal with safeguarding including police and ambulance reports and Educational Health care Plans (EHCPs).

Josh: There is no such thing as a typical day for us because of the amount of variation involved in my role. Some days you will be answering phone calls and questions from the public and medical professionals, or ensuring relevant information is sent to the correct teams within CFHD. Other days you might be doing various administration activities that help CFHD as a whole achieve its aims productively, in an efficient manner.